EnIL network - News and activities 2009
February 2009
Publication of the book "The Observatory on Information Literacy Policies and Research in Europe", edited by C. BASILI. Roma: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, XXXIV-413 pp.
March 2009
Information Literacy in the 21st Century - Spring Event - Naples March 26 - Rome March 27
EMPATIC (Empowering Autonomous Learning Through Information Competencies) project proposal preparation and submission to the European Community for funding
May 2009
Carla Basili Keynote speaker at the International Conference QQML2009- Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries: theory and applications. Chania, Crete, Greece, 26-29 May 2009, with the paper: Measuring Information Literacy Policies
December 2009
EMPATIC (Empowering Autonomous Learning Through Information Competencies) project funded under the EC the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). The core objectives of the project are to:
- draw together and valorise the results of previous Information Literacy initiatives and projects across the school, university, adult and vocational learning sectors
- use this evidence to influence policy makers’ perceptions and actions to support a marked increase in piloting and mainstreaming of Information Literacy
- have a significant impact on validating new learning paradigms and strategic thinking on curriculum reform.