EnIL network - News and activities 2022
Paul Zurkowski, Information Literacy Founder from 1974, has passed away...
This is the original message from Jeffrey Kelly, the Executive Director of the Universal Information Literacies Association (UiLA)
Dear Global Information Literacy Community,
With sadness I write to inform you that my mentor, colleague and friend, Paul George Zurkowski, Esq., recently passed away peacefully here in the Washington, DC area USA at age 89 after contracting pneumonia.
Paul talked to me often about his appreciation and love for the librarians of the world and the global IL community that he started and had the pleasure to meet and collaborate with in Istanbul, Bosnia and other parts of the world.
As Mr. Zurkowski asked me to do, I will carry on his IL vision and legacy in conjunction with the librarians, library associations and Information Literacy professionals around the world through our nonprofit educational association the Universal Information Literacies Association (UiLA) started by Paul and I here in the Washington, DC area.
Honoring Paul Zurkowski's call for "...universal information literacy..." I am sincerely yours,
Jeffrey "JK" Kelly, M.A.T.
Information Literacy/Critical Thinking Teacher
Executive Director
Universal Information Literacies Association (UiLA)- Startup
Washington, DC USA
P.S. Until the UiLA begins its online presence, and will be the only way to contact us for more information about Mr. Zurkowski's legacy and this new nonprofit educational startup association the UiLA