IAIL - International Alliance for Information Literacy

About the Alliance:

Upon a recommendation from the Prague Conference of Information Literacy Experts held September 20-23, 2003, the following organizations are committing to creating an International Alliance for Information Literacy.
The evolving purpose for the Alliance is to facilitate the sharing of information and expertise on information literacy across regions and nations of the world. The ultimate goal of the Alliance is to facilitate people´s participating effectively in the Information Society, as part of the basic human right of life long learning.
The Alliance will consist of organizations that act as nodes around the world.
Member organizations will generally be regional or national organizations that are broadly based, including representation from the economic development, education, health, human services, librarianship, public policy, and information and communications technology sectors.

Founding Members :

The following founding members welcome new participants.

Members :

Additional Resources:

Further information on international activities can be found at UNESCO's information literacy Web site.

Profiles of Information Literacy Stars :

As the concern for information literacy spreads and deepens across the globe, people from a wide range of backgrounds become articulate champions for building an information literate society. The National Forum on Information Literacy takes great pleasure in profiling some of these leaders.