EnIL - European Network on Information Literacy


Focus on: IL Policies

Paul Zurkowski, Information Literacy Founder from 1974, has passed away...

This is the original message from Jeffrey Kelly, the Executive Director of the Universal Information Literacies Association (UiLA)
Dear Global Information Literacy Community,
With sadness I write to inform you that my mentor, colleague and friend, Paul George Zurkowski, Esq., recently passed away peacefully here in the Washington, DC area USA at age 89 after contracting pneumonia.
Paul talked to me often about his appreciation and love for the librarians of the world and the global IL community that he started and had the pleasure to meet and collaborate with in Istanbul, Bosnia and other parts of the world.
As Mr. Zurkowski asked me to do, I will carry on his IL vision and legacy in conjunction with the librarians, library associations and Information Literacy professionals around the world through our nonprofit educational association the Universal Information Literacies Association (UiLA) started by Paul and I here in the Washington, DC area.
Honoring Paul Zurkowski's call for "...universal information literacy..." I am sincerely yours,

Jeffrey "JK" Kelly, M.A.T.
Information Literacy/Critical Thinking Teacher
Executive Director
Universal Information Literacies Association (UiLA)- Startup
Washington, DC USA

P.S. Until the UiLA begins its online presence, allgoodliteracies@gmail.com and allgoodliteracies@protonmail.com will be the only way to contact us for more information about Mr. Zurkowski's legacy and this new nonprofit educational startup association the UiLA

Basili, Carla. Information Literacy Policies for a Global Information Society  In: Robinson, P. A., Williams, K. V., & Stojanović, M. (Eds.). (2021). Global Citizenship for Adult Education: Advancing Critical Literacies for Equity and Social Justice. Routledge. 285-295

Basili, Carla. (2018) Scientific information policies in the European context. In: Dobreva, M. and Ivacs, G. Digital Archives. Management, Access and Use. Facet Publishing, 2018

Basili, Carla. – Lanzillo, Luca. Research Quality Criteria in the Evaluation of Books In: Bonaccorsi, A. (Ed.). The Evaluation of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities: Lessons from the Italian Experience. Springer, 2018. 159-184

2017: International Seminar with Round Table of experts on “Understanding fake news: perspectives from the scholarship on digital media literacy” by Renee Hobbs, U.S. expert in digital and media literacy education.  Carla Basili invited speaker to the Round Table. U.S. Embassy, Via Sallustiana, 49, Rome, 13 March 2017

Basili, Carla. (2016) Information Literacy Requirements for Open Science. In: SALES D. and PINTO M. / Pathways into Information Literacy and Communities of Practice, Elsevier, 2016, pp. 229-248

Basili, Carla – Goldstein, Stèphane (2014) - Raising Policy Awareness About Scientific Information Literacy in the European Research Area: A First Set of Options – ECIL 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia

EnIL workshop (2014 )on “Information Literacy in the Context of Scientific Information Policies”  -  workshop  hosted by the 18th International Conference on Electronic Publishing  “Let's put data to use: digital scholarship for the next generation” held on June 19-20, 2014 at the Alexander Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki - Thessaloniki, Greece.

Basili, Carla (2013) Information Literacy Policies from a European Commission's Perspective. In Kurbanoğlu, S., Grassian, E., Mizrachi, D., Catts, R., Akça, S., & Spiranec, Sonja (Eds.)  Worldwide Commonalities and Challenges in Information Literacy Research and Practice. Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL 2013), Hacettepe University Department of Information Management, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 61-69

Basili, Carla (2012).  The policy dimension of Information Literacy,  paper presented at the Exploratory workshop: Innovatory approach promoting open access to scientific information by information literacy  -   A workshop on ‘Innovative approaches concerning the promotion of open access to scientific information by information literacy’ held on 14 and 15 November 2012  at the Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania, organised by Angela Repanovici.

Basili, Carla (2011). A Framework for Analyzing and Comparing Information Literacy Policies in European Countries, pp. 395-418 in: Library Trends, Volume 60, Number 2, Fall 2011 - Information Literacy Beyond the Academy, Part I: Towards Policy Formulation John Crawford, Issue Editor


The EMPATIC Project

Empatic EnIL activities on Higher Education provide the sound scientific basis for EMPATIC (Empowering Autonomous Learnin Through Information Competencies Project) funded by Education and Culture DG - Lifelong Learning Programme. The Empatic website has been hosted and maintained within EnIL beyond the formal end of the project (March 2012). EMPATIC web site is available  HERE


The European Observatory on IL Policies and Research

The European Observatory on IL Policies and Research is an online portal to European initiatives –mainly policies and research projects - related to Information Literacy, with special focus on the Higher Education context.

To date (January 2012) the EnILObservatory has been developed for Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Spain, and consists of more than 600 web pages. Work is in progress to further upgrade and extend the Observatory to all European countries.To suggest a new initiative, please send an email.

for further information please contact Carla Basili