Recommendations for the curriculum of the pre-primary and first cycle education
website: (in Italian)
Date: September 2007
Typology:  policy initiative - framework-model

Ministry of Public Education


Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione
Viale Trastevere, 76/A
00153 Rome
Tel.: 06 5849.1

Ministry of Public Education

Recommendations for the curriculum of the pre-primary (early childhood) and first cycle education

Main contents

Culture, education, person
School in the new scenario
"[...] Each individual must consider, in his/her daily experience,  more and more numerous and heterogeneous information and faces the plurality of cultures." (p. 15)
In this scenario, school is responsible for specific goals: ... to make sure that students acquire  tools of critical thinking needed for learning and selecting information;..." (p. 16)

The curriculum organisation

Pre-primary (early childhood) education

First cycle education

Linguistic-artistic-expressive disciplinary area

  • Italian language
    "[...] The pupil will learn writing by reading  and producing a wide range of different texts (functional and creative) following teachers' lead at earlier stages and then autonomously. [...] Pupils should ... develop the ability of ordering, grouping together and expliciting all information necessary  for achieving the goal." (p. 50)
    The final goals of the development of competences
    at the end of the primary education
    "The pupil... understands texts of different kinds, in order to achieve functional goals, for study, entertainment, and/or fun purpose, identifies their overall meaning and /or main information, uses reading strategies functional to achieve his/her goals.
    He/She gradually develops abilities functional  to study, extracting from written texts information on a given topic, useful  for oral presentations and memorising, acquring a first core of specific terminology, collecting personal and/or collective impressions, noting  his/her own or somebody else's opinions.
    " (p. 52)
    "Learning goals at the end of the third class in the primary education
    Listening and speaking
    - To understand the subject and the main information of in-class speeches.
    Learning goals at the end of the fifth class in the primary education
    Listening and speaking
    - To understand the essential information of a presentation, of instructions to perform tasks, of messages transmitted by the media (announcements, bulletins...)" (p. 53)
    - To exploit information from titles, images and captions in order to  get an idea of the text which is to be read.
    - To read and compare information from different texts in order to get an idea of a topic, to take cues which starting from  to speak or write.
    - To search for information in texts of different type and origin, in order to achieve practical  and/or cognitive goals applying simple techniques for supporting comprehension (e.g. underlining, noting down information, building maps and schemes etc.).
    " (p. 54)
    The final goals of the development of competences at the end of the first-grade secondary school
    "The student... in study activities - both individual and collaborative - uses the manuals of disciplines or other study books , in order to search for, collect, process and elaborate necessary data, information and experiences, also by utilising ICT tools." (p. 55)
    "Learning goals at the end of the third class in the first-grade secondary school
    Listening and speaking
    - To express orally  personal experiences selecting significant information depending on the purpose, ordering it according to a logical-chronological criterion, expliciting it clearly and exhaustively and using a register suitable for the subject matter and situation.
    - To report orally on a study topic making  the purpose explicit and clearly presenting the subject matter: to present information in a predetermined and consistent order, to use a register
    suitable for the subject matter and situation,  to control the specific vocabulary, specifying sources and eventually using support materials (maps, tables, charts).
    - To extract explicit and implicit information from informative and expository texts in order to read up on a specific topic and/or to achieve practical goals.
    - To compare, on the same topic, information drawn from many sources, selecting those most relevant.
    - To reformulate synthetically information selected from a text and reorganise it in a personal way (topic lists, schematic summaries, maps, tables).
    - To use functionally  the various parts of a  study
    manual: indices, table of contents, chapters, headlines and captions, synopses,  boxes, images, graphic apparatuses." (p. 56)

    The final goals of the development of competences at the end of the first-grade secondary school for the first and the second foreign language
    "The student... acquires and interprets information evaluating its reliability and usefulness." (p. 61)

Historical-geographical disciplinary area

  • History
    "Learning goals at the end of the fifth class in the primary education
    How to use documents
    - To extract information from different types of documents
    useful to understand a historical phenomenon.
    How to organise information
    How to produce information
    - To extract and produce information from charts, tables, historical maps, iconographic finds, and to consult texts of different genre, both manual and not." (p. 84)
    "Learning goals at the end of the third class in the first-grade secondary school
    How to use documents
    - To use different kinds of sources (documentary, iconographic, narrative, material, oral, etc.)

    How to organise information
    - To formulate problems  depending on  the gathered information
    Conceptual tools and knowledge
    - To select, file and organise information through maps, schemes, tables and charts.
    - To use acquired knowledge in order to understand ecological, intercultural problems and those related to social harmony and integration 
    How to produce information
    - To produce texts, using knowledge
    selected and filed from different information sources..." (p. 85)

  • Geography
    The final goals of the development of competences at the end of the primary education
    "The pupil... extracts geographical information from many different sources (cartographical and satellite, photographic, artistic-literary)." (p. 87)

Mathematical-scientific-technological disciplinary area
"[...] the student... learns to collect data and to compare them with the formulated assumptions, negotiates and builds interindividual meanings, is pushed to temporary conclusions and new openness  in his/her building of individual and collective knowledge." (p. 91)

    The final goals of the development of competences at the end of the primary education
    " The pupil... uses suitable data representations and is able to utilize them  in significant situations in order to extract information." (p. 94)

    "[...] the gradual competence in using specific ICT tools will enable students to develop their own ideas and present them accurately..., to find, interpret, exchange and share information, to organise, process and elaborate, retrieve, file and reutilize it. The development of critical and evaluation skills - goal of general validity - will be especially pivotal also with respect to information more and more available in the net, which requires to be put in suitable reference and organisation frameworks, in order to be used  in a significant and relevant way." (p. 108)
    The final goals of the development of competences at the end of the first-grade secondary school
    "The student... searches for information and is able to select and synthesise it, develops his/her own ideas using ICTs, and is able to share them with others." (p. 110)
    "Learning goals at the end of the third class in the first-grade secondary school
    - To know how to use the net for searching for and exchanging information"
    (p. 111)


policy document - new educational framework - educational reform - recommendations for the curriculum - pre-primary education - first-cycle education - educational goals - learning objectives - basic competences - basic educational contents - information overload - informaiton needs - information management - use of information - organisation of information - selection of information - information sources - information  processing - information searching - information sharing - information filing - analysis skills - synthesis skills - speaking skills - reading skills - writing skills - presentation skills - communication skills -  information skills -  information competences - language skills - language competences - ITC skills - ICT competences - study skills - learning skills - critical thinking - problem solving - critical skills - evaluation skills - knowledge building

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