The new schooling obligation: what is changing at school? Italian rules and regulations from 2007
website: (in Italian)
Date: September 2007
Typology:  policy initiative - framework-model

National Agency for the Development of School Autonomy


via M. Buonarroti 10
50122 Firenze 
Tel.:  055.2380301
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National Agency for the Development of School Autonomy

The new schooling obligation: what is changing at school? 
Italian rules and regulations from 2007

September 2007


Annex 1 - The cultural axes

Axis of languages
Competences - Mastery of Italian language
To produce various texts types in order to achieve different communicative goals
To search for, acquire, and select general and specific information depending on  the production of different types of written texts.
To take notes, to write summaries and reports.
To clearly elaborate information
To produce correct and coherent  texts, suitable for  different communicative situations.
Structural elements of a coherent and cohesive written text.
How to use dictionaries.
Ways and techniques to produce different types of written texts: summary, letter, reports, etc.
Writing phases: planning, redaction, review.
" (p. 15-16)

Scientific and technological axis
[...] to
catalogue information, to search for information and communicate on the net.
Structure of the Internet.
General structure and functions common to different applications (menu typologies, how to edit, create, save and store documents etc.)" 
(p. 25)

Historical-social axis
To read - also in multimedia way - the different 
sources (literary, iconographic, documentary, cartographic), from which obtain information on historical events of different epochs and geographical regions.
The different source typologies" (p. 27)


Annex 2 - Key competences for active citizenship to be acquired during compulsory education
"The extension of the schooling obligation to ten years aims at promoting the personal fulfilment in self-building, in building of fair and relevant relations with others, and of a positive interaction with  natural and social reality.

  • Learning to learn:
    one's own learning activity, by identifying, choosing and using various sources and various ways of information and education (formal, non-formal and informal) also depending on available time, on one's own strategies and study and work methods.

  • Planning and managing projects

  • Communicating:
    - Understanding messages of different type (everyday, literary, technical, scientific) and of different complexity, transmitted in different languages (verbal, mathematical, scientific, symbolic, etc.) through different supports (printed, computer, and multimedia)

  • Collaborating and participating

  • Acting autonomously and responsibly

  • Problem solving:
    To tackle tricky situations building and testing  assumptions, identifying suitable sources and resources, collecting and evaluating data, suggesting solutions, using contents and methods of the different disciplines depending on the problem type.

  • Identifying links and relations

  • Acquiring and interpreting information:
    Critically acquiring and interpreting information -  received in different contexts and through different communication tools
    - by evaluating its reliability and usefulness, distinguishing facts and opinions." (p. 30)


Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006
on key competences for lifelong learning
(2006/962/EC) translated into Italian

policy document - new compulsory schooling obligation - key competences for lifelong learning - key competences for active citizenship - key competences - lifelong learning - active citizenship - personal fulfilment - personal development - self-building - leadership skills - interpersonal skills - learning to learn - independent learning - formal learning - informal learning - non formal learning - project management - learning skills - project management  skills - language skills - writing skills - communication skills - collaborative skills - problem solving - independent work skills - responsibility skills - information skills - information processing -  information sources - critical use of information - evaluation of information - use of the Internet - ICT skills - critical thinking -  basic competences - four cultural axes - implementation of EU recommendations - new Italian rules - new Italian regulations 

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