Compulsory schooling obligation: the new key competences
website: (in Italian)
Date: September 2007
Typology:  policy initiative - framework-model

Ministry of Public Education


Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione
Viale Trastevere, 76/A
00153 Rome
Tel.: 06 5849.1

Compulsory schooling obligation until the age of 16 years

Synthesis of the Italian Minister of Public Education's speech

Rome, 6 September 2007

"Through the new schooling obligation, Italy points to Europe by adopting and implementing the key competences for lifelong learning recommended by the EU on 18 December 2006.
The eight key competences for active citizenship  which all the students must acquire by 16 years of age are needed for personal fulfilment, the building and the full development of all individuals, of fair and relevant relations with others, of a positive interaction with  natural and social reality.The poor attention given to these competences is one of the main causes of the disorientation and  uneasiness of young people.

That's what everyone must acquire and know today in order to go forward into adult life tomorrow as leaders.

he eight key competences for active citizenship:
1. Learning to learn
2. Planning and managing projects
3. Communicating
4. Collaborating and participating
5. Acting autonomously and responsibly
6. Problem solving
7. Identifying links and relations
8. Acquiring and interpreting information: every young man/woman must be able to critically acquire and interpret information  by evaluating its reliability and usefulness, distinguishing facts and opinions.
(Today many young people are passive addressees of a huge volume of messages because they lack devices for evaluating those messages)

Four cultural axes
"Young people can acquire the key competences for active citizenship through knowledge and skills related to basic competences referring to the following four cultural axes:
- axis of languages
- mathematical axis
- scientific-technological axis
- historical-social axis"

The new schooling obligation: what is changing at school? Italian rules and regulations from 2007

policy document - new compulsory schooling obligation - key competences for lifelong learning - key competences for active citizenship - key competences - lifelong learning - active citizenship - personal fulfilment - personal development - leadership skills - interpersonal skills - learning to learn - independent learning - project management - learning skills - project management  skills - communication skills - collaborative skills - problem solving - independent work skills - responsibility skills - information skills - critical use of information - evaluation of information - critical thinking -  basic competences - four cultural axes - new Italian rules 

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