Commission of the European
Brussels, 20.12.2007
COM(2007) 833 final
from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European
Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
A European approach to media literacy
in the digital environment
2. A European definition of media
literacy is generally defined as the ability to access the media, to
understand and to critically evaluate different aspects of the media and media
contents and to create communications in a variety of contexts. This
definition has been validated by a large majority of the respondents to the
public consultation and by the members of the Media Literacy Expert Group.
A European approach to media literacy should relate to all
media. The various levels of media literacy include:
feeling comfortable with all existing
media from newspapers to virtual communities;
actively using media, through, inter alia,
interactive television, use of Internet search engines or participation in
virtual communities, and better exploiting the potential of media for
entertainment, access to culture, intercultural dialogue, learning and
daily-life applications (for instance, through libraries, podcasts);
a critical approach to media as regards both quality and accuracy of content
(for example, being able to assess information, dealing with
advertising on various media, using search engines intelligently);
media creatively, as the evolution of media technologies and the increasing
presence of the Internet as a distribution channel allow an ever growing
number of Europeans to create and disseminate images, information and
the economy of media and the difference between pluralism and media
aware of copyright issues which are essential for a "culture of
legality", especially for the younger generation in its double capacity
of consumers and producers of content." (p. 3-4)
initiatives to date
"A study on "Current
trends and approaches to media literacy in Europe" was commissioned in May
2006. It maps current practices in implementing media literacy in Europe,
confirms the tendencies which emerged in the public consultation and recommends
some measures to be implemented at Community level to help foster and to
increase the level of media literacy. Finally, it briefly outlined the possible
economic and social impact of an EU intervention in this field." (p. 5)
Keywords: policy
document - EU communication - media literacy - media literacy in Europe - critical use of
media - critical use of information - digital environment - use of
the Internet - Internet skills - search engines - European approach to media