New recommendations for the curriculum of the pre-primary and first cycle education
website: (in Italian)
Date: September 2007
Typology:  policy initiative - framework-model

Ministry of Public Education


Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione
Viale Trastevere, 76/A
00153 Rome
Tel.: 06 5849.1

Ministry of Public Education

Rome, 4 September 2007

New recommendations for the curriculum
of the pre-primary (early childhood) and first cycle  education 

"'Schools shall educate students by training and pupils as persons shall be central for their mission: only that way  the risk that the institutes might become 'project factories' - where the specificity of each child is disregarded - decreases. The curriculum becomes plainer and clearer and Italian language, mathematics, history and geography are privileged compared to English language, informatics and entrepreneurship. Before passing on to other matters, in fact, it is fundamental to know the essential basics.' With these words Giuseppe Fioroni, the Italian Minister of Public Education, commented on the new Recommendations for the curriculum for the pre-primary and first cycle education today presented at the Ministry.

What they are
The new Recommendations for the curriculum of\ the pre-primary and first cycle education
outline comprehensive methods, strategies and criteria for achieving  the educational  goals and the  learning objectives of the pre-primary  and first cycle education,  in place of the previous Recommendations temporarily proposed  to the schools last years.
Two years of experimentation
The first phase of their practical implementation will last until 2009.
" The Recommendations could be changed and integrated.
Three disciplinary macro-areas
The single disciplines… are proposed  within three disciplinary macro-areas: linguistic-artistic-expressive area; historical-geographical area; mathematical-scientific-technological area.
Therefore, the importance of a no split disciplinary teaching, but good for making the interconnections clear […] is underlined."

Recommendations for the curriculum of the pre-primary and first cycle education

policy document - new educational framework - educational reform - recommendations for the curriculum - pre-primary education - first-cycle education - educational goals - learning objectives - basic competences - basic educational contents - experimentation phase 

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