LIS Education in Europe: Joint Curriculum Development and Bologna Perspectives – Workshops
Date: 11-12 August 2005
research project - survey-reports - special interest group - event (conference, seminar) - campus initiative

Royal School of Library and Information Science
Danmarks Biblioteksskole (contractor and coordinator)

Royal School of Library and Information Science
Birketinget 6, DK-2300 
Copenhagen S
Tel.: +45 3258 6066

Contact person:
Leif Kajberg

LIS Education in Europe: Joint Curriculum Development and Bologna Perspectives – Workshops

The virtual groups
A sequence of pre-conference workshops have operated in a “virtual” mode. Leading up to the mid-August 2005 experts’ working seminar in Copenhagen twelve “virtual” groups have explored and exchanged views and ideas about a specific LIS curricular theme. Each virtual group has been expected to provide input for twelve similar workshops that run during the two-day seminar in August. 
The virtual groups number specialists from the European LIS education community and represent a wide variety of European countries. Each group is composed of four specially designated “core members” including a workshop leader/moderator.
The leader of the virtual groups and the workshops at the seminar in Copenhagen serves as moderator of discussions within the group.
These four “core group” members, including the workshop group leader, have been invited to attend the experts’ seminar in Copenhagen on 11 – 12 August.

Themes and group leaders

The twelve workshops span a variety of LIS themes of relevance to LIS school curricula.

The theme-based groups are operating under the following headings:


Theme 1:  (Meta-level) LIS curriculum in general.

Workshop group leader: Anna Maria Tammaro (University of Parma, Italy).

E-mail contact:


Theme 2: Cultural heritage and digitisation of the cultural heritage.

Workshop group leader: Zinaida Manžuch (Vilnius University, Lithuania).

E-mail contact:


Theme 3: Information literacy and learning.

Workshop group leader: Sirje Virkus (Tallin, Estonia).

E-mail contact:


Theme 4: Information seeking and information retrieval.

Workshop group leader: David Bawden (City University London, UK).

E-mail contact:


Theme 5: The information society: Barriers to the free access to information.

Workshop group leader: Aleksandra Vranes (Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia).

E-mail contact: alvranes@EUnet.yu


Theme 6: Knowledge management.

Workshop group leader: Gunilla Widén-Wulff (Åbo Akademi, University, Finland).

E-mail contact:


Theme 7: Knowledge organisation.

Workshop group leader: Birger Hjørland (Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark).

E-mail contact:


Theme 8: The library in the multi-cultural information society: International and intercultural communication.

Workshop group leader: Ragnar Audunson (Oslo, Norway).

E-mail contact:


Theme 9: Library and society in a historical perspective.

Workshop group leader: Ilkka Mäkinen (Tampere, Finland).

E-mail contact:


Theme 10: Mediation of culture in a European context.

Workshop group leader: Anders Frenander (Borås, Sweden).

E-mail contact:


Theme 11: Practice and theory: Placements and practical training in libraries and other information agencies.

Workshop group leader: Gerda van der Molen (Groningen, the Netherlands).

E-mail contact:


Theme 12: Library management and promotion.

Workshop group leader: Ramune Petuchovaite (Vilnius University, Lithuania).

E-mail contact:


Keywords:  European LIS education – European LIS schools - LIS educational programmes - joint curriculum development – LIS core curriculum – mainstream LIS curriculum subjects – Bologna Declaration – Bologna Process - working seminar for LIS educators – virtual groups - specific LIS curricular themes - theme-based groups - conference workshops – information literacy – information society – barriers to free access

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